An isolation strategy, exploring novel microorganisms in frozen enrichment cultures (ENFE), which uses a combination of enrichment culture and 16S rRNA gene clone analysis, was evaluated for isolating uncultured thermophiles from a terrestrial acidic hot spring. The procedure comprised (a) multiple enrichment cultures under various conditions, (b) cryostorage of all enrichments, (c) microbial community analyses of the enrichments using 16S rRNA gene sequences, and (d) purification of microorganisms from enrichments containing previously uncultured microorganisms. The enrichments were performed under a total of 36 conditions, and 16 of these enrichments yielded positive microbial growth with the detection of three previously uncultured archaea. Two of the three previously uncultured archaea, strains HS-1 and HS-3, were successfully isolated. Strain HS-1 and HS-3 represented a novel lineage of the order Sulfolobales and novel species of the genus Sulfolobus, respectively. Although innovative isolation methods play strategic roles in isolating previously uncultured microorganisms, the ENFE strategy showed potential for characterizing and isolating such microorganisms using conventional media and techniques.
Keywords: 16S rRNA gene; Clone analysis; Enrichment culture; Terrestrial acidic hot spring; Thermoacidophilic archaea.