Background: Previous research has shown that adult childhood cancer survivors (CCS) have many worries. We re-analyzed the employment data in order to identify these worries and their associated factors.
Methods: The participants were selected from the membership directory of Heart Link mutual-aid health insurance, and recruited by the CCS Network. We conducted a cross-sectional survey (a self-rated questionnaire on employment) via post or email with a link to an Internet website. We investigated the association between CCS factors and the specific worries. The adjusted odds ratios (OR) for the associated factors with a specific worry were estimated on logistic regression analysis.
Results: A total of 240 questionnaires were collected by November 2012. One questionnaire was excluded because the answers were not provided by the CCS him/herself. The most common worries were health-related problems (50%) and employment issues (40%), which were followed by his/her personality and life (23%) and self-appearance (20%). Fifty (21%) out of 239 CCS answered no specific worry. The common consistent factor associated with worries was the presence of late effects. Of note was that the CCS worries were not associated with age at diagnosis or follow up, gender, educational achievement or marriage. The worry about employment issues was associated with economic status, disability qualification, and employment status.
Conclusions: The CCS worries were strongly affected by the presence of late effects. No significant association was noted between CCS worries and gender, age at diagnosis or follow up, or educational achievements. Economic status and disability qualification were associated with some worries.
Keywords: childhood cancer survivor; economic status; employment; late effect; worry.
© 2016 Japan Pediatric Society.