We present a case of a 60-year-old woman with a 2-year history of nasal obstruction and unilateral recurrent epistaxis. Anterior rhinoscopy identified a unilateral hypervascular lobular mass occupying the entire left nasal cavity. Imaging studies documented an extensive soft tissue density lesion in the left nasal cavity with complete infiltration of the anterior ethmoid, limited indentation of the medial wall of the orbit, bone demineralisation of the cribriform plate and involvement of the anterior cranial fossa. The diagnosis of locally invasive glomangiopericytoma was obtained preoperatively through biopsy of the lesion, which resulted in a self-limited epistaxis that was easily controlled by nasal packing, confirming the vascular nature of the lesion. We discuss the diagnostic work up, imaging and surgical approach of this tumour, and review the recent literature on endoscopic treatment of these lesions.
2016 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.