The transition of Escherichia coli from the exponential into the stationary phase of growth induces the stringent response, which is mediated by the rapid accumulation of the alarmone nucleotide (p)ppGpp produced by the enzyme RelA. The significance of RelA's functionality during the transition in the opposite direction, i.e. from the stationary phase into new exponential growth, is less well understood. Here we show that the relaxed strain, i.e. lacking the relA gene, displays a relative delay in regrowth during the new exponential growth phase in comparison with the isogenic wild type strain. The severity of the effect is a function of both the carbon source and amino acid composition of the outgrowth media. As a result, the loss of RelA functionality increases E. coli tolerance to the bactericidal antibiotic ampicillin during growth resumption in fresh media in a medium-specific way. Taken together, our data underscore the crucial role of medium composition and growth conditions for studies of the role of individual genes and regulatory networks in bacterial phenotypic tolerance to antibiotics.