Background: Ki67 labeling index (LI) is critical for treatment options and prognosis evaluation in breast cancer. Visual assessment (VA) is widely used to assess Ki67 LI, but has some limitations. In this study, we compared the consistency between VA and automated digital image analysis (DIA) of Ki67 LI in breast cancer, and to evaluate the application value of DIA in Ki67 LI assessment.
Methods: Ki67 immunostained slides of 155 cases of primary invasive breast cancer were eyeballing assessed by five breast pathologists and automated digital image analyzed by one breast pathologist respectively. Two score methods, hot-spot score and average score, were used to choose score areas. The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to analyze the consistency between VA and DIA, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare the median of paired-difference between VA and DIA values.
Results: (1) A perfect agreement was demonstrated between VA and DIA of Ki67 LI by ICC analysis (P<0.0001) in the whole cohort. A perfect agreement between VA and DIA of Ki67 LI was also showed in G2-G3, ER positive/HER2 negative cases. Average score and hot-spot score methods both demonstrated a perfect concordance between VA and DIA of Ki67 LI. (2) All cases were classified into three groups by VA values (≤10%, 11%-30% and >30% Ki67 LI). The concordance was relatively lower in intermediate Ki67 LI group (11%-30%) compared with high (>30%) Ki67 LI groups according to both methods. (3) All cases were classified into three groups by paired-difference (d) between VA values of hot-spot score and average score (d<5, 5≤d<10, d≥10) to evaluate the correlation between Ki67 staining distribution (heterogeneous or homogenous) and reproducibility of assessment. A perfect agreement was all demonstrated in three groups, and a slightly better Ki67 LI agreement between VA and DIA was indicated in homogenous staining slides than in heterogeneous staining ones. (4) VA values were relatively smaller than DIA values (average score: median of paired-difference -3.72; hot-spot score: median of paired-difference -9.12).
Conclusions: An excellent agreement between VA and DIA of Ki67 LI in breast cancer was demonstrated in the whole mixed cohort, suggesting that VA and DIA both could be used to assess Ki67 LI in clinical practice. Average score and hot-spot score methods both demonstrated a perfect concordance between VA and DIA of Ki67 LI. The almost perfect agreement between VA and DIA was observed in high Ki67 LI cases, displaying a homogenous staining pattern. The consistency between VA and DIA was relatively low in intermediate Ki67 LI group. The heterogeneity of tumors may slightly affect the concordance between VA and DIA of Ki67 LI. Assessment of VA provides lower Ki67 values than DIA, the biological importance of these values are not known at the moment.