To identify healthier potatoes with respect to starch profiles, fourteen early varieties were evaluated for their dietary fiber, total starch, rapidly digestible (RDS), slowly digestible (SDS), and resistant (RS) starch for nutrition and with regard to estimated glycemic index (eGI) and glycemic load (eGL). While all these profiles were highly dependent on the potato variety, eleven out of fourteen varieties were classified as low GL foods (p<0.05). A strong positive correlation was observed with eGI and RDS (r=0.975-1.00, 0.96-1.00 and 0.962-0.997 for uncooked, cooked and retrograded varieties, respectively), whereas a strong negative correlation was observed between eGI and RS (r=-0.985 to -0.998, -0.96 to -1.00 and -0.983 to -0.999 for uncooked, cooked and retrograded varieties respectively, p<0.05). For the cultivars examined, the present study identified RDS and RS as major starch factors contributing to eGI.
Keywords: Glycemic index; Glycemic load; Potato; Rapidly digestible starch; Resistant starch; Slowly digestible starch.
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