This study involved 15 patients suffering from large volume squamous carcinomas of the base of the tongue, who were likely to benefit from curative therapy (tumours graded T3, T4, N0, N1, N2, TNM UICC 1987). In 13 patients, treatment included transmaxillary bucco-pharyngectomy (TMBP) carried out either as first intention (10 cases), or as a second stage procedure after radiotherapy (3 cases). 2 patients underwent total laryngectomy with secondary basi-glossectomy. Per-operative radiotherapy was performed on the basi-lingual resection site, delivering a boost of 15 to 20 Gy using adapted localisers. A pectoralis major musculo-cutaneous flap procedure was carried out for the TMBP. Post-operative external radiotherapy to the tumour zone for patients treated as first intention was limited to 50 Gy with a boost of 15 Gy to the cervical lymphatic clearance wound in the event of capsular rupture. The aim of this method was to deliver an elective basi-lingual boost allowing better loco-regional control, while reducing the complications of high dose external oro-pharyngeal irradiation. The technique (reliability-tolerance) and the preliminary results are presented.