We report the case of a patient bilaterally treated with anti-VEGF compounds for bilateral massive vascularized retinal pigment epithelial detachment (PED). During the years prior to treatment, PED growth was accompanied by gradual hypermetropization. After right intraocular injection of bevacizumab followed by three bilateral aflibercept injections, the PED flattened resulting in a rapid relative myopization. This case illustrates ocular refractive properties associated with PED and its response to treatment. This case also highlights the importance of assessing refraction in age-related macular degeneration patients experiencing substantial PED amplitude changes.
Keywords: Acquired vitelliform lesions; Aflibercept; Age-related macular degeneration; Bevacizumab; Hypermetropization; Myopization; Refractive changes; Retinal pigment epithelial detachment; Spectacles.