Primary objectives: To describe hormone profiles for pre-/post-menopausal women, to monitor time to resumption of menstruation among pre-menopausal women and to describe cortisol associated LH suppression and phasic variation in other sex hormones over timeMethods and procedures: This study determined amenorrhea duration and characterized acute (days 0-7) and chronic (months 1-6) gonadotropins [luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone (LH, FSH)], sex hormones (progesterone, estradiol) and stress hormone (cortisol) profiles. Women were pre-menopausal (n = 3) or post-menopausal (n = 3). Among pre-menopausal women, menstrual cycle resolution and phase association (luteal/follicular) was monitored using self-report monthly reproductive history questionnaires. This study compared post-TBI hormone profiles, stratified by menopausal status, to hormone levels from seven controls and described 6- and 12-month outcomes for these women.
Main outcomes and results: Consistent with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (FHA), menstruation resumption among pre-menopausal women occurred when serum cortisol normalized to luteal phase control levels. For post-menopausal women, serum cortisol reductions corresponded with resolution of suppressed LH levels.
Conclusions: The stress of TBI results in anovulation and central hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPG) axis suppression. Future work will examine acute/chronic consequences of post-TBI hypercortisolemia and associated HPG suppression, the temporal association of HPG suppression with other neuroendocrine adaptations and how HPG suppression impacts multidimensional recovery for women with TBI.
Keywords: Hypogonadism; amenorrhea; cortisol; functional hypothalamic amenorrhea; luteal hormone; sex hormone physiology; traumatic brain injury.