KinetochoreDB is an online resource for the kinetochore and its related proteins. It provides comprehensive annotations on 1554 related protein entries in terms of their amino acid sequence, protein domain context, protein 3D structure, predicted intrinsically disordered region, protein-protein interaction, post-translational modification site, functional domain and key metabolic/signaling pathways, integrating several public databases, computational annotations and experimental results. KinetochoreDB provides interactive and customizable search and data display functions that allow users to interrogate the database in an efficient and user-friendly manner. It uses PSI-BLAST searches to retrieve the homologs of all entries and generate multiple sequence alignments that contain important evolutionary information. This knowledgebase also provides annotations of single point mutations for entries with respect to their pathogenicity, which may be useful for generation of new hypotheses on their functions, as well as follow-up studies of human diseases. Database URL:
© The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.