Objectives: To evaluate the benefits of training sessions for pelvic examination using anatomic models.
Material and methods: The medical students (MS) registered in their 5th year of medical studies at Angers University Hospital had to complete two anonymous questionnaires; one at the beginning of the workshop and one at the end. Every procedure which included pelvic exam (PE), vaginal sample (VS), smear test (ST), insertion of a speculum and insertion of intra-uterine device (IUD) was evaluated.
Results: Seventy-one MS answered both questionnaires. They were very satisfied or satisfied with the outcomes of the workshop in 91 % of the cases. At the beginning of the workshop, 28 %, 52 %, 30 %, 25 % and 3 % reported a low level of difficulty to carry out, respectively, a PE, VS, ST, insertion of a speculum, insertion of an IUD. At the end of the session, there were respectively 55 %, 83 %, 76 %, 66 % and 16 % of MS to report a low level of difficulty of these same procedures. For all of these procedures, there were a significant (P<0.05) number of MS who estimated the procedure's level of difficulty as being low at the end of the session.
Conclusion: The level of technical difficulty of all procedures was significantly decreased at the end of the workshop.
Keywords: Enseignement; Examen pelvien; Medical student; Pelvic examination; Simulation; Training; Étudiant en médecine.
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