Ultrastructural analyses revealed the presence of six hemocyte types in the hemolymph of Panstrongylus megistus, partially confirming our previous results obtained through light microscopy. Prohemocytes: small, round hemocytes with a thin cytoplasm layer, especially rich in free ribosomes and poor in membranous systems. Plasmatocytes: polymorphic cells, whose cytoplasm contains many lysosomes and a well developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). They are extremely phagocytic. Sometimes, they show a large vacuolation. Granulocytes: granular hemocytes whose granules show different degrees of electrodensity. Most of them, have an internal structuration. Coagulocytes: oval or elongated hemocytes, which show pronounced perinuclear cisternae as normally observed in coagulocytes. The cytoplasm is usually electrodense, poor in membranous systems and contains many labile granules. Oenocytoids: large and very stable hemocytes, whose homogeneous cytoplasm is rich in loose ribosomes and poor in membranous systems. Adipohemocytes: large cells, containing several characteristic lipid droplets. The cytoplasm is also rich in glycogen, RER and large mitochondria. The total and differential hemocyte count (THC and DHC) were also calculated for this reduviid. THC increases from 2,900 hemocytes/mm3 of hemolymph in the 4th instar to 4,350 in the 5th and then, decreases to 1,950 in the adults. Plasmatocytes and coagulocytes are the predominant hemocyte types.