Introduction: West Syndrome (WS) (infantile myoclonic encephalopathy with hypsarrhythmia--IMEH) belongs to the infantile epileptic encephalopathies and is characterized by infantile spasms, hypsarrythmia in EEG, and abnormal psychomotor development of children.
Aim: Evaluation of the EEG patterns of patients with WS, correlation of the EEG patterns with the cause of epilepsy and an assessment of the influence of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs).
Case reports: EEG patterns of four children with symptomatic WS of different etiology (tuberous sclerosis, brain defects, autoimmune) were analyzed before and during treatment with various antiepileptic drugs.
Summary: The basic pattern of EEG in children with WS is hypsarrhythmia. Variabilities of the patterns are the results of degree of development of the child's brain, the etiology of disease, as well as the effects of administration of different antiepileptic drugs..