Objective: The aim of this study is to provide a complete insight in the access-site morbidity and upper extremity function after Transradial Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (TR-PCI).
Background: In percutaneous coronary intervention the Transradial Approach (TRA) is gaining popularity as a default technique. It is a very promising technique with respect to post-procedure complications, but the exact effects of TRA on upper extremity function are unknown.
Methods and results: The effects of trAnsRadial perCUtaneouS coronary intervention on upper extremity function (ARCUS) trial is a multicenter prospective cohort study that will be conducted in all patients admitted for TR-PCI. Clinical outcomes will be monitored during a follow-up of 6 months, with its primary endpoint at two weeks of follow-up. To investigate the complete upper extremity function, a combination of physical examinations and validated questionnaires will be used to provide information on anatomical integrity, strength, range of motion (ROM), coordination, sensibility, pain, and functioning in everyday life. Procedural and material specifications will be registered in order to include all possible aspects influencing upper extremity function.
Conclusions: Results from this study will elucidate the effect of TR-PCI on upper extremity function. This creates the opportunity to further optimize TR-PCI, to make improvements in functional outcome and to prevent morbidity regarding full upper extremity function. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Keywords: percutaneous coronary intervention; transradial; upper extremity dysfunction.
© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.