Recent studies have identified a specific chromosomal translocation, t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2), in a high proportion of human synovial sarcomas. As a first step towards characterizing the X;18 translocation we have established a synovial sarcoma cell line. Fusion of this cell line to mouse RAG cells gave rise to somatic cell hybrids that contain the derivative (X) marker chromosome in the absence of other genetic material from chromosomes 18 and X. Southern analysis of DNA from these somatic cell hybrids demonstrated that the human X chromosome markers DXS94, DXS14, DXZ1 and DXS62 were retained. In contrast DXS7, GAPDP1, ARAF1, DXS146 were not consistently present in the hybrids indicating that these markers were on the region of the X chromosome replaced by part of the long arm of chromosome 18 during the generation of the X;18 translocation. The predicted position of the translocation relative to X chromosome markers is DXS7-DXS146-X; 18-DXS14-DXZ1-DXS94.