Background: China has piloted a new model of universal coverage for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), designed to rationalize hospital use of drugs and tests and move away from fee-for-service payment towards a standard package with financial protection against catastrophic health costs.
Objective: To evaluate the affordability to patients of this new model.
Design: This was an observational study of 243 MDR-TB cases eligible for enrolment on treatment under the project. We assessed the affordability of the project from the perspective of households, with a focus on catastrophic costs.
Results: Of the 243 eligible cases, 172 (71%) were enrolled on treatment; of the 71 cases not enrolled, 26 (37%) cited economic reasons. The 73 surveyed cases paid an average of RMB 5977 (US$920) out-of-pocket in search costs incurred outside the pilot model. Within the pilot, they paid another RMB 2094 (US$322) in medical fees and RMB 5230 (US$805) in direct non-medical costs. Despite 90% reimbursement of medical fees, 78% of households experienced catastrophic costs, including indirect costs.
Conclusion: The objectives of the pilot model are aligned with health reform in China and universal health coverage globally. Enrollment would almost certainly be higher with 100% reimbursement of medical fees, but patient enablers will be required to truly eliminate catastrophic costs.