Home therapy for uncomplicated mild/moderate bleeding can decrease healthcare burden, promote self-esteem, reduce complications, and provide near-normal quality of life. To evaluate recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) as home therapy for joint bleeds in Algeria, Morocco, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates. Twenty-seven patients aged more than 2 years with congenital haemophilia and inhibitors were monitored for up to 8 months after a first haemarthrosis episode treated with rFVIIa. Assessments were made by patients/caregivers with a standardized diary. The main measures included home-managed bleeds, haemostasis, and pain relief within 9 h after first injection. Additional analyses included convenience, time to pain resolution, and doses given within 48 h. Of 132 bleeds, 84 (63.6%) were managed at home. Of these, successful haemostasis (partial or complete) was achieved at 9 h in 87.8%, with pain relief for 84.0%. For all treatment settings, successful haemostasis at 9 h was achieved for 86.3% of bleeds, with pain relief achieved for 74.8% of bleeds. Higher initial dosing was associated with fewer injections. Median time to complete haemostasis was 48 h (spontaneous bleeds) and 24 h (traumatic bleeds). Median time to complete pain relief was 24 h for both bleed types. Satisfaction with treatment was high. No safety concerns were reported. Results from this observational study agree with previous data on the safety and efficacy of home treatment with rFVIIa and will help to increase awareness and aggregate experience, fostering confidence in home management of haemophilia patients with inhibitors in developing countries.