A retrospective study was made of 780 patients who underwent surgery of the biliary tract for lithiasis between 1973 and 1984; of them, 110 (14.1%) presented secondary choledocholithiasis and 14, residual choledocholithiasis. The decade of highest incidence of choledocholithiasis was 60 to 70 years; the proportion of women-men was 2:1. The predominant symptom was biliary colic, which occurred in 99% of patients; jaundice appeared in 65% of cases. In 5.6% of patients choledocholithiasis was complicated with suppurative cholangitis. The operation most frequently practiced was choledochotomy with extraction of calculi and closure on a Kehr tube, performed in 50% of patients, followed by transduodenal sphincteropapillotomy in 31% of patients. In 32 patients complications occurred during the immediate postoperative period, representing a morbidity of 22.5% and a mortality of 3.2%. The most frequent complications were of infectious nature.