Cancer treatment-related cardiac dysfunction (CTRCD) occurs with many agents used in the treatment of cancer. This is most relevant in patients receiving cancer treatment with curative intent as opposed to those treated with a palliative intent where lifespan is more likely to be limited by the cancer diagnosis. Clinicians need to be aware of methods to prevent, detect, and manage CTRCD. This article frames an approach to CTCRD based on the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association stages of heart failure (HF). In patients who are at risk for CTRCD (stage A HF), risk reduction methods may be warranted, including management of cardiovascular risk factors, modification of cancer treatment, and universal preventive therapy. Once cancer therapy begins, it is prudent to detect and promptly treat myocardial dysfunction (stage B HF). This can be achieved by careful monitoring during therapy using echocardiography, multigated acquisition scans, or cardiac MRI. Subclinical myocardial systolic dysfunction (ie, without a drop in ejection fraction) can be identified using either echocardiography measured peak systolic global longitudinal strain or cardiac troponin I. At present, there is insufficient evidence to institute preventive interventions based on changes in these preclinical markers. Finally, in patients with stage C/D HF, management strategies should follow existing guidelines. Advanced treatment including cardiac transplantation and mechanical circulatory support may be considered in appropriate circumstances.
Copyright © 2016 Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.