In a personalized medicine environment, it is necessary to have access to a range of biospecimens to establish optimal plans for disease diagnosis and treatment for individual patients. Cancer research is especially dependent on biospecimens for determining ideal personalized treatment for patients. Unfortunately, the vast majority of biospecimens are collected from non-Hispanic White individuals; thus, minority representation is lacking. This has negative implications for comprehensive cancer treatment. The Geographic Management of Cancer Health Disparities Program (GMaP) Region 6 implemented a series of biospecimen education seminars adapted from the Biospecimen and Biobanking module of an existing Cancer Education and Training Program. Regional GMaP partners participated in a train-the-trainer webinar to familiarize themselves with the training materials. Participants trained by the trainers completed pre- and posttests to document changes in awareness, knowledge, and intention. Nine biospecimen education seminars were offered in 2013; 255 health care professionals and representatives from community organizations attended. Participants demonstrated a significant increase in knowledge, intention to donate samples, and intention to talk to patients about biospecimen sample donation. Representatives from community organizations had more improvement on knowledge scores than health care providers. Participation in a well-designed biospecimen education program may ameliorate some of the distrust of biomedical research experienced by racial/ethnic minorities and, in turn, increase needed minority representation in biospecimen collection.
Keywords: biospecimen education; cancer education; diversity; health disparities; minority research participation.