The uptake and transport of beta-VLDL by the aortic endothelium was investigated in normal and hyperlipidemic rabbits fed a cholesterol-enriched diet for 1 week to 5 months. Weekly (in the first month) or every other week afterwards, animals were given one of the following probes: (a) [125I]-beta-VLDL injected in vivo and after 24 h the whole aorta or its intima and media were separately collected and examined by spectrometry and autoradiography; (b) [125I]-beta-VLDL coupled to the fluorescent probe 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate perfused in situ for 1-2 h and aorta examined by radioassay and fluorescence microscopy; (c) beta-VLDL-gold complex perfused in situ for 10-15 min and aortic fragments examined by electron microscopy. In addition, cryosections of aortic wall were processed for the immunocytochemical detection of apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein E. The results showed that both in normal and hyperlipidemic rabbits, the aortic endothelium transports plasma beta-VLDL by a dual pathway: (i) endocytosis involving coated pits and vesicles, endosomes, multivesicular bodies and lysosomes, and (ii) transcytosis, the predominant process, carried out by plasmalemmal vesicles. Both processes, and especially transcytosis, are markedly increased in hyperlipidemia leading to progressive accumulation of beta-VLDL or/and its components in the subendothelial extracellular matrix. In prelesional stages of atherogenesis, beta-VLDL-gold complexes or deposits of apo B and apo E were detected in close association with extracellular liposomes. With the appearance of intimal macrophage-derived foam cells, the immunoperoxidase reaction product, revealing the presence of the two apolipoproteins, could also be seen in intracellular lipid inclusions.