With the object of evaluating three recognized prognostic stage subdivision systems for myelomatosis, retrospective data from 138 patients treated from 1976 to 1986 were employed. During this period, uniform therapeutic principles were employed, viz interval treatment with melphalan and prednisone supplemented, in cases of anaemia or raised serum creatinine, with vincristine. The prognostic significance for survival was calculated from variables at the time of diagnosis. The major prognostic factors were: age, tumour cell mass assessed by plasma cell percentage in the bone-marrow aspirate and/or M-component concentration, demonstration of Bence-Jones protein, renal function and the haemoglobin and calcium concentrations in the blood. Stage subdivision according the principles established by the Medical Research Council based on haemoglobin concentration and renal function were the best for assessing the prognosis in treated patients. Autopsy was performed on 55 out of the 96 patients who had died. The commonest cause of death was infection (75%).