In humans, the glucagon response to moderate-to-marked insulin-induced hypoglycemia (IIH) is largely mediated by the autonomic nervous system. Because this glucagon response is impaired early in type 1 diabetes, we sought to determine if these patients, like animal models of autoimmune diabetes, have an early and severe loss of islet sympathetic nerves. We also tested whether this nerve loss is a permanent feature of type 1 diabetes, is islet-selective, and is not seen in type 2 diabetes. To do so, we quantified pancreatic islet and exocrine sympathetic nerve fiber area from autopsy samples of patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes and control subjects without diabetes. Our central finding is that patients with either very recent onset (<2 weeks) or long duration (>10 years) of type 1 diabetes have a severe loss of islet sympathetic nerves (Δ = -88% and Δ = -79%, respectively). In contrast, patients with type 2 diabetes lose no islet sympathetic nerves. There is no loss of exocrine sympathetic nerves in either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. We conclude that patients with type 1, but not type 2, diabetes have an early, marked, sustained, and islet-selective loss of sympathetic nerves, one that may impair their glucagon response to IIH.
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