Micronutrient deficiencies continue to be a major public health concern worldwide with many South Asian countries suffering a significant proportion of the global burden. A lack of nationally representative data on micronutrient deficiencies hampers sustained action to address the problem. Using data on the national food supply produced by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, and international food composition tables, the present study estimated the prevalence of inadequacy of seven micronutrients (vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, folate, vitamin B-12, zinc and calcium) in seven South Asian countries--Bangladesh, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The estimated average requirement cut-point method was employed to determine the likelihood of inadequate micronutrient intakes. We report multiple micronutrient inadequacies in the food supply in the region, especially in the low and lower-middle income countries. Of the seven micronutrients investigated, calcium had the highest risk levels of inadequacy. Folate, riboflavin, vitamin B-12 and zinc were also deemed to be at high risk of inadequacy, although results differed markedly between countries. Various strategies to combat micronutrient deficiencies are currently underway in these countries. In order to facilitate the implementation of these efforts, the collection of nationally representative nutritional assessment survey data are urgently required to ascertain the true burden of micronutrient malnutrition.
微量营养素缺乏依然是全球范围内重要的公共卫生问题,在南亚国家微量营养 素缺乏造成的全球负担占很大比例。在微量营养素缺乏的国家,由于代表性数 据的匮缺,阻碍了解决该问题的持续行动。目前的研究使用根据联合国粮农组 织和国际食物成分表得出的国家食品供应的数据,在7 个南亚国家—孟加拉 国,印度,伊朗、马尔代夫、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡,估计7 种微量营 养素不足的流行率(维生素A、硫胺素、核黄素、叶酸、维生素B-12、锌、 钙)。估计平均需求切入点法测定微量营养素摄入不足的可能性。我们报告了 食物供给中多种微量营养素的不足,特别是在低收入和中等收入国家。虽然不 同国家的结果有显著差异,但在调查的7 种微量营养素中,钙不足风险水平最 高,叶酸、核黄素、维生素B-12 和锌也被视为高风险不足。这些国家正在采 取不同的策略抵制微量营养素的缺乏。为了便于这些工作的实施,迫切需要收 集全国代表性的营养评估调查数据,确定微量营养素缺乏的真正负担。.