Objective: Develop an online application that sends questions at different times of the day over an interval set by the user. It consists of a web interface that sends out WhatsApp messages containing questions from already validated or customized questionnaires (previous license) and shows the evolution of each question and patient over time and their average.
Material and method: The Laboratory of Psychoacoustics developed a platform that allows patients to answer surveys from remote locations.
Results: Hence, the developed tool allows to: (1) answer a test repeatedly under different personal situations and (2) evaluate the patient remotely. Hence, obtaining a more reliable assessment of the patient's QoL.
Conclusion: Preliminary results using 5 teenagers aged 12-18 that answered the KINDL questionnaire is used to evidence the value of this new tool.
Keywords: Cochlear implants; Evaluation; LifeQuestionnaire; Quality of life.
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