OBJECTIVE The authors describe a method by which they easily and atraumatically navigate a large-bore reperfusion catheter of the Penumbra system to an embolus by using a coaxial system with a compliant balloon catheter in patients with tortuous arteries. METHODS A retrospective review of the prospective endovascular database was performed to identify cases in which a coaxial system with a compliant balloon catheter (Scepter C, MicroVention/Terumo; or TransForm C, Stryker Neurovascular) and a large-bore reperfusion catheter of the Penumbra system (Penumbra, Inc.) was used. The authors achieved a stable guiding sheath position and delivered the coaxial system with a compliant balloon catheter and a large-bore reperfusion catheter. Then, the balloon was inflated somewhat when the distal tip of the balloon was slightly advanced from the tip of the reperfusion catheter, and together the coaxial system was advanced to an embolus over a 0.014-in guidewire, even around the corner. When the distal tip of the balloon catheter reached the embolus, the authors deflated the balloon and navigated the large-bore reperfusion catheter to the embolus. Finally, the aspiration of the embolus with the Penumbra MAX pump was begun. RESULTS Between May 2014 and September 2015, the authors used this technique in 17 cases: 16 cases of middle cerebral artery occlusion (including 5 cases of internal carotid artery occlusion) and 1 case of basilar artery occlusion (age range 36-88 years, mean age 74.7 years, 13 men). For the reperfusion catheter of the Penumbra system, the 5MAX ACE was used in 15 cases, and the 5MAX was used in 2 cases. As a compliant balloon catheter, the Scepter C was used in 16 cases, and the TransForm C was used in 1 case. The technique was successful in 16 cases (94.1%). No parent artery dissections were noted in any cases. Catheter-induced vasospasm was noted in 1 case, but the vasospasm was transient. CONCLUSIONS A coaxial system with a compliant balloon catheter can help safely and easily to navigate the large-bore reperfusion catheter of the Penumbra system to an embolus in patients with tortuous arteries.
Keywords: ADAPT = a direct aspiration first pass technique; BA = basilar artery; ICA = internal carotid artery; MCA = middle cerebral artery; OphA = ophthalmic artery; Penumbra system; aspiration; coaxial system; compliant balloon catheter; diagnostic and operative techniques; reperfusion catheter; vascular disorders.