Unexpectedly high bacteriochlorophyll a concentrations in neotropical tank bromeliads

Environ Microbiol Rep. 2016 Oct;8(5):689-698. doi: 10.1111/1758-2229.12426. Epub 2016 Jul 12.


The contribution of bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) to photosynthetically driven electron transport is generally low in aquatic and terrestrial systems. Here, we provide evidence that anoxygenic bacterial phototrophy is widespread and substantial in water retained by tank bromeliads of a primary rainforest in French Guiana. An analysis of the water extracted from 104 randomly selected tank bromeliads using infrared fluorimetry suggested the overall presence of abundant anoxygenic phototrophic bacterial populations. We found that purple bacteria dominated these populations responsible for unusually high BChl a/chlorophyll a ratios (>50%). Our data suggest that BChl a-based phototrophy in tank bromeliads can have significant effects on the ecology of tank-bromeliad ecosystems and on the carbon and energy fluxes in Neotropical forests.