We evaluated the diagnostic utility of the three modalities of three-dimensional rotational angiography (3DRA): rotational angiography (RA), multiplanar reformat (MPR) and three-dimensional angiographic reconstruction (3D-R) in pediatric cardiac catheterization. The 3DRA studies were classified by anatomy of interest based on our injection protocol: pulmonary arteries (PA), aorta, cavopulmonary connection (CPC), and others. Retrospective review of 3DRA images by two reviewers for each modality was conducted with grading as inferior, similar, or superior in comparison with the diagnostic quality of fixed-plane angiography (FPA). The percentages of grades for each modality were averaged. Weighted kappa statistic was used to evaluate inter-rater reliability. In total, 114 3DRA studies were performed on 87 patients between August 2010 and March 2012. Median age was 2.7 years (1 day-48.4 years) and median weight 12.1 kg (3.6-106.5 kg). For RA: 79.4 % of the studies were of diagnostic quality and 52.2 % were superior; 3D-R: 82 % were of diagnostic quality and 65.8 % were superior; and MPR: 83.5 % were of diagnostic quality and 63 % were superior. Overall 3DRA technologies (RA, 3D-R, MPR) were of diagnostic quality or better in 111/114 (97.4 %) studies and 103/114 (90.4 %) were judged superior. Most common reasons for inferior grading were limited opacification and metallic artifact. In pediatric cardiac catheterization, 3DRA imaging was of diagnostic quality and frequently provided additional clinically relevant data when compared to FPA.
Keywords: 3DRA; Congenital heart disease; Multiplanar reconstruction; Structural heart disease; Three-dimensional angiographic reconstruction; Three-dimensional rotational angiography.