Purpose: The aim of this study was to find a method for measuring left atrial wall velocity (LAWV) during atrial contraction using tissue Doppler echocardiography.
Methods: The velocity profile method was used to measure left atrial wall velocity at several sites in 64 healthy individuals aged 25-84 years. We attempted to find maximum left atrial wall velocity (LAWVmax) by mapping on four-chamber, two-chamber, short-axis, and long-axis views and studied the relations between maximum left atrial wall velocity, age, and peak velocity during atrial contraction in mitral or pulmonary venous flow.
Results: Left atrial wall velocity was varied by changing the position of the sampling volume. The velocity profile pattern was similar to the left ventricular wall velocity pattern near the mitral valve annulus in the left atrium. Left atrial wall velocity had a positive peak during atrial contraction when the sample volume was located in the cranial and dorsal area. Maximum left atrial wall velocity was obtained in 74% of cases with the two-chamber view. Maximum left atrial wall velocity in healthy subjects was 3.1 ± 0.7 cm/s, and the duration of the atrial contraction was 112 ± 12 ms. Maximum left atrial wall velocity increased slightly with age but was not significantly correlated with peak velocity during atrial contraction in mitral or pulmonary venous flow.
Conclusions: Left atrial wall velocity was measured by the velocity profile method in 64 healthy subjects aged 25-84 years. Maximum left atrial wall velocity increased slightly with age but was not significantly correlated with the peak velocity during atrial contraction in mitral or pulmonary venous flow.
Keywords: Doppler tissue imaging; aging; atrial function; echocardiography.