Auditory nerve fibers in the adult ear are divided into functional subgroups according to spontaneous rate (SR) and threshold sensitivity. The high-threshold, low-SR fibers are morphologically and spatially distinct from the low-threshold high-SR fibers at their synaptic contacts with inner hair cells. This distinction between SR groups in the adult ear is visible in confocal microscopy as complementary size gradients of presynaptic ribbons and post-synaptic glutamate receptor patches across the modiolar-pillar and habenular-cuticular axes in the inner hair cell area. The aim of the present study was to track the post-natal development of this morphological gradient, in mouse, to determine the earliest age at which this important aspect of cochlear organization is fully mature. Here we show, using morphometric analysis of the organ of Corti immunostained for pre- and post-synaptic markers of efferent and afferent innervation, that this SR-based morphological gradient is not fully established until postnatal day 28, well after other features, such as synaptic counts and efferent innervation density in both the inner and outer hair cell areas, appear fully mature.
Keywords: Auditory nerve; Glutamate receptor; Inner ear; Synaptic ribbon.
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