In the field of Computational Anatomy, biological form (including our focus, neuroanatomy) is studied quantitatively through the action of the diffeomorphism group on example anatomies - a technique called diffeomorphometry. Here we design an algorithm within this framework to pass from dense objects common in neuromaging studies (binary segmentations, structural images) to a sparse representation defined on the surface boundaries of anatomical structures, and embedded into the low dimensional coordinates of a parametric model. Our main new contribution is to introduce an expanded group action to simultaneously deform surfaces through direct mapping of points, as well as images through functional composition with the inverse. This allows us to index the diffeomorphisms with respect to two-dimensional surface geometries like subcortical gray matter structures, but explicitly map onto cost functions determined by noisy 3-dimensional measurements. We consider models generated from empirical covariance of training data, as well as bandlimited (Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunction) models when no such data is available. We show applications to noisy or anomalous segmentations, and other typical problems in neuroimaging studies. We reproduce statistical results detecting changes in Alzheimer's disease, despite dimensionality reduction. Lastly we apply our algorithm to the common problem of segmenting subcortical structures from T1 MR images.