We investigated the effects of host inflammatory cells on the progression of QR (C57BL/6 mouse) and ER (SHR rat) regressor tumor cells which spontaneously regress in normal syngeneic hosts. We noted an enhanced tumorigenicity of regressor tumor cells after s.c. implantation with attachment to plastic plate, a situation which induces inflammation in normal hosts accompanied by the development of tumors as compared to normal mice injected with regressor tumor cells in suspension in PBS- which spontaneously regressed. We also observed enhanced tumorigenicity of regressor tumor cells injected into the site of the plastic plate which had been previously implanted into the normal host. Regarding these phenomena, we suggest that tumor progression may be induced by host induced inflammatory cells or their products. We also found enhanced tumor progression of QR regressor tumor cells after co-inoculation with inflammatory cells produced by the implantation of hemostatic spongel into the peritoneal cavity of mice. The mechanisms involved in the progression of regressor tumor cells by co-existence with inflammatory cells are thought to be associated with the production of oxygen radicals, tumor cell chemotactic factors, soft agar colony promoting factors and PGE2.