A Gram-stain-negative, rod-shaped, non-motile and red-pink-pigmented bacterial strain, designated B1909T, was isolated from an ice core drilled from Muztagh Glacier on the Tibetan Plateau, China. A phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain B1909T formed a lineage within the genus Hymenobacter and was closely related to Hymenobacter xinjiangensis X2-1gT (96.16 % similarity) and Hymenobacter psychrotolerans Tibet-IIU11T (95.99 %). The predominant fatty acids were iso-C15 : 0, summed feature 3 (C16 : 1ω7c/C16 : 1ω6c), summed feature 4 (iso-C17 : 1ω6c I/anteiso B), C16 : 1ω5c, anteiso-C15 : 0 and iso-C17 : 0 3-OH. The major menaquinone was MK-7. The major polar lipid was phosphatidylethanolamine. The DNA G+C content was 59 mol%. On the basis of the phenotypic, phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic data presented, strain B1909T is considered to represent a novel species of the genus Hymenobacter, for which the name Hymenobacterglacieicola sp. nov. is proposed; the type strain is B1909T (=JCM 30596T=CGMCC 1.12990T).