Prevalence of palatal rugae shapes in Karnataka and Kerala population: A cross-sectional study

J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2016 May-Jun;6(3):230-3. doi: 10.4103/2231-0762.183113. Epub 2016 May 30.


Aims and objectives: This study was conducted to assess the incidence and prevalence of palatal rugae shapes in the male and female populations of Karnataka and Kerala.

Materials and methods: This study consisted of 100 plaster models of each group, which were equally distributed between both the genders, with an age range of 17-23 years. The rugae patterns were recorded by using Thomas and Kotze classification. Correlation between the rugae shape and population as well as the rugae shape and gender were analyzed using chi-square analysis and discriminant function analysis using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 22 (IBM Corp).

Results: Curved, straight, and wavy rugae patterns were the most common in both Kerala and Karnataka sample populations. Chi-square analysis showed significant differences between the populations for the curved pattern; discriminant function analysis showed significant differences between the populations for the curved and straight patterns. Significant gender differences were found in the curved pattern for Karnataka population and in unification patterns for both populations by Chi-square/Fischer exact test.

Conclusions: The curved and straight rugae patterns were significantly more frequent in the Kerala population compared to the Karnataka population. Because of the limited sample size of this study, further cross-sectional studies are suggested.

Keywords: Chi-square; discriminant function; forensic odontology; palatal rugae; rugae pattern; rugoscopy.