3D Visualization of the Iron Oxidation State in FeO/Fe3O4 Core-Shell Nanocubes from Electron Energy Loss Tomography

Nano Lett. 2016 Aug 10;16(8):5068-73. doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b01922. Epub 2016 Jul 8.


The physicochemical properties used in numerous advanced nanostructured devices are directly controlled by the oxidation states of their constituents. In this work we combine electron energy-loss spectroscopy, blind source separation, and computed tomography to reconstruct in three dimensions the distribution of Fe(2+) and Fe(3+) ions in a FeO/Fe3O4 core/shell cube-shaped nanoparticle with nanometric resolution. The results highlight the sharpness of the interface between both oxides and provide an average shell thickness, core volume, and average cube edge length measurements in agreement with the magnetic characterization of the sample.

Keywords: EELS; ELNES; Electron tomography; compressed sensing; iron oxide; oxidation states.

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  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't