Background: Radiographic examination is the gold standard to evaluate spine curves, but ionising radiations limit routine use. Non-invasive methods, such as skin-surface goniometer (IncliMed®) should be used instead.
Objective: To evaluate intra- and interrater reliability to assess sagittal curves and mobility of the spine with IncliMed®.
Methods: a reliability study on agonistic football players. Thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis and mobility of the spine were assessed by IncliMed®. Measurements were repeated twice by each examiner during the same session with between-rater blinding. Intrarater and interrater reliability were measured by Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), 95% Confidence Interval (CI 95%) and Standard Error of Measurement (SEM).
Results: Thirty-four healthy female football players (19.17 ± 4.52 years) were enrolled. Statistical results showed high intrarater (0.805-0.923) and interrater (0.701-0.886) reliability (ICC > 0.8). The obtained intra- and interrater SEM were low, with overall absolute intrarater values between 1.39° and 2.76° and overall interrater values between 1.71° and 4.25°.
Conclusions: IncliMed® provides high intra- and interrater reliability in healthy subjects, with limited Standard Error of Measurement. These results encourage its use in clinical practice and scientific research.
Keywords: Intraclass Correlation Coefficient; Spine mobility; Standard Error of Measurement; non-invasive spinal sagittal curves measure; reliability.