Mine Blast Injuries - Our Experience

Med J Armed Forces India. 2005 Feb;61(2):143-7. doi: 10.1016/S0377-1237(05)80010-3. Epub 2011 Jul 21.


Background: The sudden increase in incidence and magnitude of mine blast injuries prompted us to highlight the problem and its management.

Methods: The cases of mine blast injuries occurring during mining and demining in a particular geographical area were analysed. Total 27 cases of mine blast injuries occurred during mining or demining operations in a period of 13 months.

Results: Various body regions were involved in the mine blast injuries but the main brunt was borne by feet and legs followed by multiple body regions due to splinters. 14 patients underwent below knee (BK) amputation while 4 patients required through knee (TK) amputations. The effect of blast was so severe that most of the cases required 2 to 5 times wound debridements. The initial aggressive debridement / open stump amputation saved the limb and life of all patients.

Conclusion: A mine blast causes extensive injuries and psychological trauma. Management is needed urgently, surgery is difficult, and amputation is often inevitable. Maximum lives and limbs can be saved with aggressive debridement, repeated inspections and dressings under anaesthesia and definitive closure at optimum time.

Keywords: Amputation; Antipersonnel mine; Crush syndrome; Debridements; Mine blast injury; Secondary missiles; Shrapenels.