Overcoming toxicity-challenges in chemoradiation for non-small cell lung cancer

Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2016 Jun;5(3):239-43. doi: 10.21037/tlcr.2016.05.03.


Concurrent chemoradiation (CCRT) is the treatment of choice for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with a modest survival benefit over sequential chemoradiation or radiotherapy (SCRT) alone. However, this benefit is at the cost of increasing acute toxicity such as esophagitis. Previous analysis revealed several predictive parameters in dose-volume and patient characteristics which helped us to identify those patients at risk for severe esophagus toxicity. As a result, supportive care interventions including individualized patient information, dietary guidance, adequate medication, hydration and tubefeeding could be initiated. This paper discusses the challenges in overcoming chemoradiation induced acute esophageal toxicity (AET).

Keywords: Chemoradiation; management; supportive care; toxicity.

Publication types

  • Review