Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in an Adolescent Appearing after Cerebellar Vermian Mass Resection

J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 May;10(5):VD01-VD02. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2016/18825.7799. Epub 2016 May 1.


Obsessive compulsive symptoms have been reported in frontal lobe tumours and basal ganglia lesions. We report herewith a case of an adolescent who had a vermian cystic mass for which he underwent excision surgery. Three months postsurgery family members noticed that he started with repeated hand washing and abnormal walking pattern. Also, he developed bedwetting in sleep at night. He was given clinical diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Nocturnal enuresis following a cerebellar mass removal which improved with fluoxetine and impiramine respectively.

Keywords: Cerebellum; Enuresis; Obsessive-compulsive disorder; Tumour.

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  • Case Reports