In the present study, evaluation of antimicrobial, antioxidant, phytochemical constituents and toxicological properties of six coastal medicinal plants (CMP's) such as Ipomea biloba, Cantharanthus roseus, Cymbopogon citratus, Vitex negundo, Thespesia populnea and Pandanus tectorius was done. The maximum antimicrobial activity was recorded by methanolic extracts of V. negundo and T. populnea against bacterial and fungal pathogens. Similarly, methanolic extracts of V. negundo and T. populnea evidenced highest antioxidant properties. The extract of T. populnea showed the maximum cytotoxicity against Artemia salina with the LC50 value of 478.11μg/ml. The hemolytic property of CMP's extracts was V. negundo (8.91%), T. populnea (21%) and C. citratus (64%) also the hemolytic index did not show any hemolysis of human erythrocytes. Furthermore, the TLC separation of V. negundo and T. populnea extracts exhibited the presence of Flavonoids (Rf-0.74) and Terpenoids (Rf-0.64). The present findings propose the promising clinical applications of selected CMP's.
Keywords: Antimicrobials; Antioxidants; CMP’s; Hemolytic properties.
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