Significant heterogeneity between different tumors prevents the discovery of cancer driver genes, especially in a patient-specific manner. We previously prioritized five personalized candidate mutation-driver genes in a hyper-mutated hepatocellular carcinoma patient using a multi-omics strategy. However, the roles of the prioritized driver genes and patient-specific mutations in hepatocarcinogenesis are unclear. We investigated the impact of the tumor-mutated allele on structure-function relationship of the encoded protein and assessed both loss- and gain-of-function of these genes and mutations on hepatoma cell behaviors in vitro. The prioritized mutation-driver genes act as tumor suppressor genes and inhibit cell proliferation and migration. In addition, the loss-of-function effect of the patient-specific mutations promoted cell proliferation and migration. Of note, the HNF1A S247T mutation significantly reduced the HNF1A transcriptional activity for hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (HNF4A) but did not disrupt nuclear localization of HNF1A. The results provide evidence for supporting the validity of our proposed multi-omics strategy, which supplies a new avenue for prioritizing mutation-drivers towards personalized cancer therapy.
Keywords: in vitro experiment; multi-omics; personalized mutation-driver genes; structure-function relationship; validation.