The aging population leads to psychological, medical and social reflection for optimal care of the elderly, especially characterized by a frailty state. The frailty is the cause of morbi-mortality require screening to anticipate these complications. The objective was to evaluate the statistical performance and feasibility of the tool "ABCDEF" to screen frailty defined by Fried's criteria. A prospective multicenter study including 300 ambulatory elderly consultants was conducted. ABCDEF appears feasible without major prior training or special equipment by any doctor or caregiver during an assessment in 98% of consultants. His sensitivity to detect frailty, is of 75% and specificity of 64%. The frailty tracking threshold is 3 criteria (6). Its negative predictive value is interesting because it eliminates the hypothesis of frailty in 91% of cases. This tracking tool requires, when abnormal, further geriatric assessment. It provides a standardized and normative approach to describe frailty whose frequency is high in people older than 80 and whose consequences are major.
Keywords: elderly; frailty; geriatric assessment; screening.