Purpose: To demonstrate the usefulness of rearfoot transcutaneous oximetry to assess the peripheral arterial disease in diabetic patients with heel ulcer.
Methods: From our database of 550 critical limb ischemia diabetic patients followed after a percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, we have selected patients with below the knee arterial disease. Patients were grouped according to the dorsal transcutaneous oximetry value (Group A < 30 mmHg; Group B ≥ 30 mmHg). Patients of Group B had a second oximetry performed at the rearfoot, close to the lesion localized in all cases at the heel. Finally, the analysis of the arterial pattern disease has been done.
Results: We selected 191 patients: Group A (151 patients), dorsal transcutaneous oximetry of 11.8 ± 0.7 mmHg; Group B (40 patients), dorsal transcutaneous oximetry of 44.2 ± 10.1 mmHg. In Group B, rearfoot oximetry was 20.5 ± 5 mmHg, significantly lower than dorsal oximetry (p = 0.0179). The anterior tibial artery was involved in all patients of Group A. In Group B, the anterior tibial artery was involved in 15 subjects and never alone; the posterior tibial artery was involved in 20 subjects and in 11 cases alone. The peroneal artery was affected in 20 subjects and in 14 patients alone.
Conclusion: When a heel lesion is present and the transcutaneous oximetry recorded on the dorsum of the foot does not confirm the presence of critical limb ischemia (not ≤30 mmHg), a second oximetry recorded on the rearfoot is useful to point out ischemia of the peroneal artery and/or of the posterior tibial artery.
Keywords: Diabetic foot; Heel; Ischemia; Transcutaneous oximetry.