After the distribution of suitably informative leaflets all the employees of 2 companies were invited to participate in a screening programme with the aim of detecting elevated cholesterol levels. 238 out of 510 employees participated in the screening. Related to the age-adjusted Austrian recommendations for the upper limit of normal values, cholesterol was elevated in 73 people (30.7%). The percentage of smokers was slightly below the Austrian rate with 26% in company M and 30% in company H. All the participants were informed of their laboratory results within one week. Participants with a moderately or extremely increased risk were invited to a personal talk. Furthermore, a number of other previously undetected abnormalities were detected in 41 cases (17.2%), leading to subsequent clinical diagnosis and treatment. In addition, 3 plasma factor defects were discovered. These investigations served as a foundation for a more intensive planned programme. A continuation of this screening procedure is planned involving about 10,000 people per year.