Nipro-Toyobo-paracorporeal pulsatile flow VAD (Nipro VAD; Nipro, Osaka, Japan) has been used most commonly as a paracorporeal VAD (p-VAD) in Japan. There are few reports describing clinical course of post LVAD explantation and its complication. We herein present two cases of apical abscess after the explantation of the device. SSI is a main risk factor of formation of the apical abscess at the time of LVAD explantation. It is mandatory to perform sufficient debridement and closure of the layers including abdominal muscle and anterior abdominal fascia at exit sites in the explantation surgery. Omentopexy is also helpful for prevention from infection. Routine removal of apical cuff and outflow graft could be considered as one of the options when LVAD is explanted as bridge to recovery.
Keywords: Apical abscess; LVAD explantation; Nipro VAD; Surgical site infection.