In this paper we have studied the kinetics of psi-DNA structure formation induced by H1 and H1 peptides containing the C-terminal domain, namely the CTB peptide, obtained by thrombin digestion, and the CNBS peptide, derived from N-bromosuccinimide treatment of H1. The time course for the formation of the psi structure has been followed by measuring the changes in ellipticity at 270 nm as a function of time under different experimental conditions. In all cases studied here, we have observed the existence of two elementary processes: one fast, the other slow. Kinetic experiments performed with high molecular weight DNA showed that the greater the salt concentration, the higher was the apparent rate of psi structure formation. In complexes formed with sonicated DNA and H1, CNBS and CTB, we observed that the greater the content of the C-terminal domain, the higher was the apparent rate at which the final psi structure was reached. Thus, the presence of increasing amounts of either salt or C-terminal domain facilitates the formation of the psi structure. The molecular basis for these phenomena is discussed. The influence of the order of addition of the different components of the complex on the kinetics of psi structure induction is also studied.