Yeast one-hybrid (Y1H) assay has been proven to be a powerful technique to characterize in vivo the interaction between a given transcription factor (TF), or its DNA-binding domain (DBD), and target DNA sequences. Comprehensive characterization of TF/DBD and DNA interactions should allow designing synthetic promoters that would undoubtedly be valuable for biotechnological approaches. Here, we use the ligation-independent cloning system (LIC) in order to enhance the cloning efficiency of DNA motifs into the pHISi Y1H vector. LIC overcomes important limitations of traditional cloning technologies, since any DNA fragment can be cloned into LIC compatible vectors without using restriction endonucleases, ligation, or in vitro recombination.
Keywords: Cis-element; Ligase-independent cloning; Transcription factor; Yeast one-hybrid.