Adult Neurogenesis: Lessons from Crayfish and the Elephant in the Room

Brain Behav Evol. 2016;87(3):146-155. doi: 10.1159/000447084. Epub 2016 Aug 24.


The 1st-generation neural precursors in the crustacean brain are functionally analogous to neural stem cells in mammals. Their slow cycling, migration of their progeny, and differentiation of their descendants into neurons over several weeks are features of the neural precursor lineage in crayfish that also characterize adult neurogenesis in mammals. However, the 1st-generation precursors in crayfish do not self-renew, contrasting with conventional wisdom that proposes the long-term self-renewal of adult neural stem cells. Nevertheless, the crayfish neurogenic niche, which contains a total of 200-300 cells, is never exhausted and neurons continue to be produced in the brain throughout the animal's life. The pool of neural precursors in the niche therefore cannot be a closed system, and must be replenished from an extrinsic source. Our in vitro and in vivo data show that cells originating in the innate immune system (but not other cell types) are attracted to and incorporated into the neurogenic niche, and that they express a niche-specific marker, glutamine synthetase. Further, labeled hemocytes that undergo adoptive transfer to recipient crayfish generate cells in neuronal clusters in the olfactory pathway of the adult brain. These hemocyte descendants express appropriate neurotransmitters and project to target areas typical of neurons in these regions. These studies indicate that under natural conditions, the immune system provides neural precursors supporting adult neurogenesis in the crayfish brain, challenging the canonical view that ectodermal tissues generating the embryonic nervous system are the sole source of neurons in the adult brain. However, these are not the first studies that directly implicate the immune system as a source of neural precursor cells. Several types of data in mammals, including adoptive transfers of bone marrow or stem cells as well as the presence of fetal microchimerism, suggest that there must be a population of cells that are able to access the brain and generate new neurons in these species.