A 68-year-old man presented with the chief complaint of swelling of the penis. A pencil had been inserted into his urethra by a commercial sex worker for sexual stimulation. On a computed tomography (CT) scan, a foreign object was visible throughout the urethra and in the urinary bladder. Cystoscopy performed under spinal anesthesia showed a pencil in the urethra. We attempted removing the object endoscopically by using a Holmium laser. However, the endoscopic procedure failed and finally, we removed the object by transvesical open surgery. At the same time, suprapubic cystostomy was performed for the disorder of the urethra. An anterior urethrocutaneous fistula was formed 5 days after the operation. After removal of the urethral catheter, he was managed with only suprapubic cystostomy. Conservative management of the urethrocutaneous fistula was effective. The fistula was completely closed 26 days after the operation. He was discharged 33 days after the operation.