In recent years, multiple circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) and unique recombinant forms of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have been described in Yunnan, China. Here, we identified a novel HIV-1 CRF (CRF86_BC) isolated from three heterosexuals with no obvious epidemiologic linkage in western Yunnan (Baoshan prefecture) in China. CRF86_BC had a subtype C backbone with four subtype B fragments inserted into the pol, vpr, vpu, env, and nef gene regions, respectively. Furthermore, subregion tree analysis revealed that subtype C backbone originated from an Indian C lineage and subtype B segment inserted was from a Thai B lineage. They are different from previously documented B/C forms in its distinct backbone, inserted fragment size, and break points. This highlighted the importance of continual monitoring of genetic diversity and complexity of HIV-1 strains in this region.
Keywords: HIV-1; Yunnan; epidemiology; recombinant.